10174 Old Grove Rd #110
San Diego, California 92131, United States
Phone: (805) 409-7457
Fax: (619) 374-1328
Email: Info[at]TGNtherapy[dot]com
Providing Telehealth to CA residents and in-person services to San Diego residents.
Prospective Patients
We know how hard this is–we are here with you. Accessing mental health services can be a daunting process, and finding the “right” clinician can be extremely challenging. We offer a complimentary, 15-minute phone consultation for all prospective patients. The phone consultation is a chance for the patient and clinician to learn a little about each other, provide psychoeducation regarding the therapeutic process, explore any questions or concerns that the patient might have, and assess whether the patient feels as though it is a good fit.
To schedule a phone consultation, please use the form on this page and we will get back to you to schedule.
Do you have general questions or feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Send us an email: Info@TGNtherapy.com